
Showing posts from October, 2018

100% Renewable Energy is Possible: APPLE INC.

During most recent Apple event in September 2018, it was announced that since January 2018, all of the electricity from their facilities worldwide are operated using 100% renewable energy. “In 2018, we reached a major milestone: 100 percent of the electricity we use at all of our facilities comes from renewable sources” The company achieved this through a combination of steps. Energy efficiency projects throughout all of their facilities were undertaken to reduce the consumption of power. Their facilities include all offices, stores, and data centres in 43 countries. From these projects they upgraded the facilities by using LED lighting, retro-commissioning building and lighting controls, and upgrading heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. They were able to reduce their energy use in fiscal year 2017 by 14.7 million kWh and 22 500 mmbtu of natural gas and thanks to energy efficiency measures implemented since 2011, they are now cumulatively saving 70 mil...